Not all milk comes from Mammals

Living in a Whole 30 world you learn a lot of different ways to cook. Living in a world that you have become obsessed with reading get turned off with almost anything you pick up at the store. When I read the ingredients on the back of the Almond Milk by silk I wasn't impressed.

When I got home from the grocery store I decided to see how difficult it was to make almond milk. It seemed easy
Like any good house wife I had to try it.

They started out like this. No big deal. After a few hours of soaking the water started turning white. I thought "Alright!" this maybe the easiest milk substitute ever!

That right there is one 8 oz bag of almonds in the funnel. I think I got 8 dips. My heart sank. Then the squeezing and the twisting and the "milking" began. Ever tried to milk an almond? Ever seen teets on an almond? I rest my case.

See that crazy mess all over my counter? I had to cut cheese cloth 5 times in this process because each time I DEMOLISHED it! The bowl you can barely see on the right was full to the brim from left over almonds from the "milking" process. The apples on the top were cut for my son in the middle of this process and then he decides he doesn't want "apples shapes". Fine. Whatever. (When did he become so picky?) That used paper towel on the left was one of many in this process. --Don't tell my crunchie friends I still use paper towels. (yikes)

Total time into this entire process???


 Was it good? Yes. It had a very clean taste.
 Did I enjoy drinking it? Yes.
Will I be making this all the time? NO! Why you ask?

1. I have learned that I do not enjoy milking almonds.
2. Entirely way to messy
3. All that time I think I could have been playing with my son.

**I honestly ended up throwing it away because I couldn't stand the thought of drinking it after all that work I put into it. I know that sounds ridiculous.**

Sorry. I hope I didn't disappoint anyone.

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A little stress never felt so good.

Its been a little bit since I have posted anything. After we found out my husband got the job I have put all my efforts and energy into selling our current home and finding us a home in our new location. This is the first time I have done everything by myself. Not that I am incapable, because I have been rocking it, but I have a lot of questions and I am trying to not stress out my husband at his new job. I am sure I am driving my realtors and my mortgage lender batty!

I could not be more proud of my husband. Twenty two months ago my husband moved from Asset Protection to Operations in Walmart. He had been in operations about 9 years ago, but decided that he wanted to try something different. My husband is an over achiever and is at every thing he sets his mind to. (I am not just saying that because I am his wife) When we decided it was time for me to stay home and he needed to make more money he switched over. There hasn't been a calm day since then.
I took on the role of sole ownership of every single responsibility in the house. Only because I WANTED him to never have to worry about a single thing at home and focus ALL of his attention and energy at work. Period. It has finally paid off.
Adam went from an Assistant Manager to Co-Manager to Store Manager in a short 22 months. For those of you that do not know much about retail or the world of Walmart that is UNHEARD of. (Did I mention he is an over achiever?) He has been non-stop for 22 months. Its been an exhausting journey for all of us.

That is an impressive sign! Not the plastic ones everyone else uses.
I am also pretty proud of the realtor name on that sign.
Now that we finally have our own store (You better believe its a WE. WE have all earned it) its time to move. AGAIN! Fourteen months ago we were living in a RV and now we are selling and moving. We didn't have any intentions of moving this quickly. I had anticipated we would stay here a minimum of three years and then we would have our own store. That has created a stress all in of itself. HOWEVER I have THE BEST realtor in the Birmingham area. I am serious. Don't believe me? Her name is Kelley Shaw Smith. She is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. She helped us find the house we are currently living in. She helped us look for a house while we were living in Cullman and would be sending me homes at all hours of the night. Answering my texts NO MATTER WHAT. Was always so patient and kind and never gave up. Even after the 300th house she sent me and I NO! I apologized and she said "Jennifer its my job not just to sell you a house, but to FIND you a house you love."  Then one morning bright and early she sends me a texts that says "I think I found a keeper. It just listed." I took a peak and made the trek. Our current home was on the market for less than 24 hours when we made an offer. THE KEY to finding a good home is having the BEST realtor who works for you. Don't EVER settle for less than Kelley Shaw Smith quality!

We found a house where we are moving to YAY! (YET AGAIN a good realtor makes the difference.) House was on the market LESS THAN 24 hours.  So begins the journey of getting this house closed ASAP!

Isn't she a beauty! She looks bigger than she really is. What I like most...its only a few minutes away from my husbands new store! Thank goodness! AND...wait for it....I maybe able to have chickens and bees! YES!!!

Thanks for reading! Hopefully I will have an update for you soon.

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